22/02/2015 - POSTED IN


  • ADDED: 22/02/2015
  • DURATION: 09:19


Chasing a shot against the fading light, we head out to Kirrabilli, the side of the Sydney Harbour Bridge opposite the city.

I last filmed at this location in 1998. another time, with very different technology. This time I’m back with friends and co-workers and we’re having fun shooting timelapse, still photographs, and enjoying the process of image creation.

The knowledge and experience of each of the creatives comes through in this piece – how they work, how they think. and how they put their creative and technical skills to work. We get to appreciate the results.

Cameraman Ben Tessler explains how he creates the time-lapse records:

“So we have chosen to do this timelapse as a continuous record rather than just the multiple frames per second because we don’t want to lose anything that we’re seeing in the frame. We’ve got a lot of movement in this frame, there’s a lot of boats passing through. And with continuous record you don’t get that staggering effect where if you’re only getting 2,3, 4, 5 frames a second you lose the other 20 frames. So we’re doing a continuous record to enable that flowing shot. To give us the option of a nice smooth timelapse. And what this also means is that in post production we’ve got the options to do whatever we want with the shot.”

It is remarkable to see what changes in 15 years of technology; the quality of the video and still images is fantastic! Which of course makes me wonder just what the next 15 years will bring.

A huge thanks to everyone who appeared in this piece!



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Content Publisher Rick Young Ltd