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Duration: 12:24 - Added: 30/05/2017
Scott Wright, from Dreamshock Design Studios, is a photographer, filmmaker, web designer, print designer and more. Here we see Scott at work in 3 separate situations, working as a filmmaker and photographer. At the heart of Scott's filmmaking skills are camera movement and lighting -...
Duration: 21:58 - Added: 26/03/2017
Watch Part 1 of this demo at: http://www.moviemachine.tv/video/lighting-techniques-for-drama-based-cinematography-part-1/210099029/ Tim Palmer, Director of Photography, demonstrates key lighting techniques used in drama based cinematography. Tim shows how to use controlled soft light...
Plays: 629 - Duration: 23:27 - Added: 26/03/2017
Watch part 2 off this demo at: http://www.moviemachine.tv/video/lighting-techniques-for-drama-based-cinematography-part-2/210100443/ Tim Palmer, Director of Photography, demonstrates key lighting techniques used in drama based cinematography. Tim shows how to use controlled soft lig...
Duration: 16:49 - Added: 14/03/2017
In the world of photography, it is well-known the impact the reflection in the eye can have on the image: some call it a catch-light or a sparkle in the eye. In filmmaking, we can greatly enhance the visual appeal by creating reflections in the eyes. Reflections in the eyes can be th...
Plays: 1040 - Duration: 02:30 - Added: 14/08/2016
The scene in this video is lit with 11 separate lights. Each light serves a distinct purpose in achieving the overall result. This short video shows the positioning of each of the lights, what they do, and the different types of lights which have been used. Dedolight provides the ide...
Plays: 954 - Duration: 16:49 - Added: 30/07/2016
In the world of photography, it is well-known the impact the reflection in the eye can have on the image: some call it a catch-light or a sparkle in the eye. In filmmaking, we can greatly enhance the visual appeal by creating reflections in the eyes. Reflections in the eyes can be th...
Plays: 674 - Duration: 10:17 - Added: 15/02/2016
The dedolight DP2.1 imager is an attachment which fits onto either the tungsten DLH4 dedolight, or the newer DLED4 dedolight. The is a fantastic piece of equipment with enables light to be focussed onto a tiny area, no bigger than a matchhead, of the imager can be used project slides,...
Duration: 04:12 - Added: 24/07/2015
Lighting 2 persons sitting in an interview type situation is something which is often called on. Using key and fill lighting, in combination with backlighting on the subject and also the background, can produce pleasing and sophisticated results. This video piece compares the result,...
Plays: 329 - Duration: 15:34 - Added: 31/03/2015
The TecPro Felloni LED panels, distributed by dedolight are amazingly versatile. These lights are available in several different configurations: *Bicolor - Tunsten and daylight* *Daylight only* *Tungsten only* *Different configuration can be powered from mains power, V-lock batteri...
Plays: 438 - Duration: 05:56 - Added: 18/08/2014
In this tutorial we show how to light a person against daylight using different types of lights. It is clear what a big difference the lighting can make. The result can be transformed from an image with very little production value, to a well-lit image which is very pleasing to the ey...