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Plays: 369 - Duration: 07:56 - Added: 13/07/2014
Lighting against hard daylight can be a challenge for those filming on location. You need the right equipment to make it work. In this video piece, using 2 lights: a dedolight DLED2 and a Felloni LED bicolour, we show how to turn a silhouette into a well-lit subject Using Sony S-Log...
Plays: 740 - Duration: 11:19 - Added: 28/02/2014
This piece shows the Blackmagic Cinema Camera built into a cinema rig configuration, for high quality acquisition of images and audio on location. The rig is built from the following pieces of equipment: Blackmagic Cinema Camera EF 2.5K Sound Devices Mix Pre Atomos Samurai Blade Za...
Plays: 1129 - Duration: 16:05 - Added: 08/09/2013
This is a quick overview of this new product, which operates as a fantastic viewing monitor and also as a ProRes or DNxHD recorder. This bumps up the quality of your camera to broadcast standard at the same time giving you an accurate display for colour rendition. This is a very desir...